Mature Cloud Management Leads to Greater Success, Infoblox Reports

By Alex Passett, Editor  |  June 14, 2024

Advanced cloud management practices are growing in importance when it comes to driving measurable enterprise success. Teams with this on lock – capable of taming the complexity of hybrid and multi-cloud environments, increasing efficiency along the way – end up with greater benefits, as their top IT decision-makers become well-equipped with the insights necessary to take highly informed actions that align both technical, behind-the-scenes objectives and outward-facing business objectives, alike.

The long-story-short version, readers?

Teams with mature cloud management expertise leap farther when it comes to modernization.

In that vein, we have cloud networking and security services provider Infoblox. A recent report from ESG (commissioned and released by Infoblox (News - Alert)) explores how mature, digital-age businesses are structuring their own network and security teams in order to ensure that the advanced cloud management tools they deploy are cutting down costs and optimizing big-picture strategic impacts.

According to the report, there is “an unmistakable correlation between mature hybrid and multi-cloud management practices and significantly better overall business outcomes.”

Essentially, a thoroughly engineered cloud management maturity model, per Infoblox and ESG, is “founded on four essential tenets.” They are:

  • Driving Deeper Collaboration between Net, Sec and CloudOps teams to create “a sustainable cloud operations center of excellence.” The report states that 88% of organizations have increased the frequency with which these teams meet, and 85% have subsequently taken steps to connect collaborative goals with their KPIs.
  • Employ Cloud-Neutral NetSec tools to further orchestrate on-prem and multi-cloud management via a single control plane.
  • Embrace DNS as the go-to valuable cloud security solution to accelerate threat investigations and proactively block cyber attacks.
  • Enable Automation “holistically in cloud operations,” thus streamlining real efficiency across both network and security-centric workflows.

“At Infoblox,” explained Scott Harrell, Infoblox President and CEO, “we understand that the convergence of networking, security, and cloud operations is not just a trend; it’s a strategic imperative. Our 25-year history of DNS innovation underscores our commitment to this unified approach, and our platform empowers companies to accelerate application deployments and provide asset visibility across hybrid cloud environments, all while achieving significant cost reductions and simplification through automation.”

If interested, download the full Infoblox-ESG report for yourselves here.

Edited by Greg Tavarez
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