Symmetry Systems' OCR Image Analyzer Solution to Tackle Data Security and Compliance Challenges

By Alex Passett, Editor  |  February 28, 2024

Across the fog of change, businesses navigating the in-betweens of today’s complex digital landscapes are increasingly relying on hybrid cloud environments (especially since the pandemic). In doing so, they’re storing and managing vast amounts of unstructured data, which can include business-critical images and even entire document management systems. The importance of securing these data assets shouldn’t be overlooked, as they often contain sensitive info regarding business operations, intellectual property, customer privacy and so on. Ensuring robust security and governance across hybrid cloud environments is essential for mitigating risks like data breaches, instances of unauthorized access, and potentially multilayered compliance violations (to name a few). Implementing sophisticated data discovery and classification tools (especially for unstructured data object stores) is vital for protecting assets and maintaining customer trust, all while flexibly harnessing the scalability-centric benefits of hybrid cloud architectures.

In this vein, we have news regarding AI-powered data security company Symmetry Systems. To overcome the complexity of securing data at scale, Symmetry Systems’ pillars of modernized success include fine-grained data visibility, on-prem and cloud DSPM solutions, agentless scanning, CIEM and more.

And as of today, Symmetry has launched its advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) image analyzer.

The long-story-short of it:

This OCR image analyzer supports businesses far more effectively uncovering and securing business-critical images across a hybrid cloud any unstructured data object stores, including Microsoft OneDrive, Google (News - Alert) Cloud Stroage, Azure Blob Storage, Amazon S3, and Snowflake.

More technical details include:

  • Enhanced Data Discovery and Visibility: Symmetry’s newest launch provides businesses with enhanced visibility into their data stores, revealing critical images and information that were previously challenging to access.
  • Improved Data Security and Compliance Posture: With the ability to identify sensitive information within individual images and PDFs, Symmetry's OCR technology allows businesses to flag potential data security and compliance issues.
  • Efficient Data Management: By automating the evaluation, tagging and metadata enforcement of images, Symmetry's OCR technology also streamlines data retrieval and processing. This efficiency saves more than just time; it also significantly reduces the risk associated with improperly secured or non-compliant data.
  • Accessibility: Simply put, Symmetry has made possible support for 100+ languages.

Per Dr. Mohit Tiwari, Symmetry Systems’ CEO:

“As regulatory requirements for document management are becoming increasingly stringent, having an OCR image analyzer is a critical data security capability for all businesses. By enabling the identification of sensitive and regulated documents, this advancement furthers our mission of helping organizations meet compliance standards more effectively and while improving their data security posture."

Edited by Greg Tavarez
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