DSPM and Artificial Intelligence: Concentric AI Introduces New Functionality for Data Protection

By Alex Passett, Editor  |  October 16, 2023

Especially in the age of everything-AI unto which the world is treading, the importance of data security posture management (DSPM) shouldn’t be undervalued.

A quick refresher: DSPM provides a comprehensive approach to the overall security of an organization’s data landscape by prioritizing the protection of highly sensitive data. When properly deployed, DSPM helps teams identify and mitigate cloud data security risks by detecting abnormal user behaviors, access patterns or data movements, and by analyzing parameters like access control, dataflow, and any infrastructure errors or misconfigurations. We’re talking preventing data breaches, securing the attack surface created when data users move or copy data, the whole nine yards.

Now, let’s circle back to AI.

Earlier this month, Silicon Valley-backed generative AI security company Concentric AI and its team of AI experts and data scientists announced that its Semantic Intelligence DSPM solution now offers data lineage functionality, “making it the first DSPM solution to deliver this differentiated capability,” according to the official release. This is big, as data lineage allows organizations to understand precisely how data flows across their environment – who has access within the data pipeline, and has previously accessed it – to best address risks associated with inappropriate access, inaccurate entitlements, and risky sharing. In the must-act-quick event of a breach, understanding data lineage can help organizations identify the breach’s source and the affected data, accelerate response time, and improve damage control.

Moreover, Concentric (News - Alert) AI’s new functionality is differentiated in how it leverages LLMs and sematic analysis to flag near duplicates of data records, where they’re located, how they’ve proliferated across the organization from the first instance to the latest, and who accessed and still has access in order to protect data down the line. According to Concentric AI, this is “unique and unrivaled in the industry today.”

As Karthik Krishnan, founder and CEO of Concentric AI put it, “This new data lineage functionality allows organizations to trace the lineage of a particular file or data record and discover how it has traveled through the enterprise, ensuring that organizations have a clear understanding of their data’s possible risk.”

Krishnan also contextualized this functionality in regard to oft-shifting cybersecurity regulations.

“Many industries and organizations are subject to strict data regulations such as GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (the California Consumer Privacy Act),” he added. “Data lineage functionality like ours helps those organizations through necessary regulatory hurdles. It demonstrates compliance by showing regulators how data is handled, processed and stored. It also creates an audit trail, making it easier for reporting around regulatory inquiries and audits.”

I suspect very few would make a case that more data security measures, particularly in today’s world, aren’t vital. With Concentric AI’s Semantic DSPM solution, organizations can rest assured that their critical data is smartly scanned, tagged, and continuously monitored.

Learn more here.

Edited by Greg Tavarez
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